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  • Post comments:13 Comments
  • Reading time:4 mins read

There I stood.

Hot pink slippers. Heart-patterned bathrobe. Hair in a high bun. No makeup. Tired. And hungry.

In all my glory I watched my husband bring in the groceries. He does the grocery shopping these days. Thank the Lord. In my condition, if I were to go to the store – I would end up spending our entire budget on bags of Barbecued Fritos, ice cream sandwiches, kosher dill pickles, and orange pop. Because that is what I’m craving these days 🙂

So as my wonderful hubby is bringing in the groceries – I notice that he has a mischievous look on his rather handsome face. Hmmm. After he gets all of the food inside he takes off his coat, still grinning, and says, “I have a funny story for you.”

“Alright”, I say. “Let’s here it.”

He begins, “As I am putting the groceries in the back of the car, the boy that bagged my stuff walked up beside me.”

At this point, I’m thinking, “Oh, he must have left something in the store and the nice bagger boy brought it out to him. How sweet.”

But then he continued , “Now, don’t get mad or anything, hahahaha…..but….”

Uh huh. “Go on”, I say.

“Well, the bagger boy said that the cashier girl thought I was like hot or something and she wanted me to have her number. Hahahahahah! I told the bagger boy to tell the cashier girl that I am happily married and not at all interested. But isn’t that hilarious?”

Ahem. Let’s see here….I have a growing belly, acne on my face, dark circles under my eyes, hair in desperate need of some color, and crazy hormones raging. At any other time I might have laughed and said, “Awww that’s cute! The little cashier thinks your handsome.” But you see, I’m not exactly sane these days.

Soooo, after I downed a few of the snacks my hubs bought at the store, I went back to our room – actually got dressed (something that doesn’t happen a lot these days), put concealer on all of my zits, brushed my hair (which doesn’t happen all that often anymore, either) grabbed my purse (and a cookie) and headed for the door.

My husband says, “Oh no. Where are you going?”

I said, ” Where do you THINK? The grocery store.”

I pull into the parking lot – dab on a little lip gloss, of course – and head inside. I go through the store and grab some things my hubby forgot and I start looking for “Kaitlin the cashier.” I know her name because I went so far as to look at who the cashier was on the receipt. Yeah. I did.

I didn’t see her anywhere. “Darn it. She must be on break.” So I buy my things and as I’m heading out the door I see “Kaitlin”. I wanted so bad to stop her and say, “Didn’t you see the wedding band on his hand, Miss Thing? Don’t you think it was kinda childish to send the bagger boy out to the hot guys car to give him your number? Isn’t it against company policy or something to hit on customers?”

But then, Jesus must have taken over or somethin‘, y’all. Because psycho pregnant chick wanted the cute little cashier to know who’s husband she was messing with. But instead, I smiled at her and headed to the car. It would be a much more interesting story, I know, if I would have said something. But, it’s good I didn’t. We go to this grocery store a lot and I will probably run into little miss “hit on all the married guys” again. I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. I should just be thankful that I married a man who would never accept a phone number from a cashier (or anyone, for that matter) and who is hot enough to be pestered by one. Yeah. I’ll take the high road on this one.

As long as I have me some fritos and orange pop to go along for the ride.

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Jo Ann

    I thought your reaction to what your husband told you was so predictable, however your choice to just smile and walk away is rare since if we as women are honest with ourselves many of us wouldn't be able to do what you did. Great move…great decision…isn't it wonderous how God can turn circumstances around in a heartbeat. It just goes to show us it's not the circumstance it's how we react that is so important. I am curious though..what were you thinking as you walked away? CHOICES….you did good! Blessings…Jo-Ann here in Denver/Co

  2. MDearing

    What a great story! Thanks for the laugh!

  3. Renee Swope

    Thanks for your comment on my blog today. I see your name all over the bloggy world and just had to pop over to say hi today. I am so glad I did. Your story cracked me up!!! Oh girl, I was just telling my husband last night about a crazy thing I did to track down my high school boyfriend because I was afraid he was seeing someone else. I was like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction…well not that bad but it's funny lookin' back when I think about what a woman will do to protect her man-property! I think you should go shopping with him next time all dolled up and beautiful and holding hands and all!

    You are one blessed woman to have a man who loves you so!!!


  4. Marybeth

    Kate– I applaud you for not saying anything and choosing to smile at her instead. I would have been just like you! It concerns me the number of women who don't hesitate to throw themselves at a man– married or not. What are they thinking?!?

    Thanks for visiting my blog– I enjoyed visiting you here. Once blogrolling is fixed, I will have to come back here and add you to mine so I can keep checking back.

  5. That was so funny.. Good to see you took the high road. I dont think I could of managed. God sometimes is just test how we are going to react. You passed!! Im afarid i would of failed misreably.. God Bless..Noel

  6. Tracie Miles

    Ha! Too funny. That sounds like something I would do. I hopped over from Rachel Olsens blog to visit and loved your post! Take care!

  7. Rachel Olsen

    Too funny, Kate! Along with that bag of Fritos and orange pop, you can read your new book from my drawing you just won — REST by Keri Wyatt Kent. Maybe that will help keep you calm until your hormones settle down. 🙂

    Send me your address at rachel@proverbs31.org and the book will arrive in a couple weeks from Zondervan.

    Congrats! ~ Rachel

  8. Kimberly

    I prayed and my focus this year is going to be on the Old Testament. I know that doesn't sound as impressive as reading the whole Bible in a year…but I know that's where God is leading me. I spend so much time focusing on the New Testament, but I have never read the Old all the way through.

    I will keep praying for you! Thanks for your prayers and sweet encouragement!
    K 🙂

  9. Krista

    L.O.L. Thank you so much for the laugh. You came to the right conclusion in the end… isn't it awesome to have a hubby hot enough to draw that kind of attention, yet "yours" enough that he loves pregnant (and beautiful!) YOU with all his heart!

  10. Amy Carroll

    I'm so glad you stopped in at my blog so that I could read yours! This funny story has made my day!! My husband used to work in a high school, and it was shocking how flirtatious some of the girls were with me standing RIGHT THERE. Their mamas should have spanked them, and I would have videotaped.

    Now we're so old that nobody even flirts anymore. My husband died laughing one night when I came home from the store very happy. "Barry, some man leered at me tonight!" (I had to then fess up that he looked drunk and about 80.)


  11. Kimberly

    Oh, my. Oh, my.
    That little cashier girl didn't know she was messing with a man with not only a wife, but a pregnant wife. Good thing for her your obedient to the Lord. 😉

    Hey, I've been thinking of you and praying for you. How is the Bible reading going? Are you still planning to read through it this year? Just wanted to check in on you. 🙂


  12. Debbie

    You are too cute! At least your man told you about the encounter. 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to visit Heart Choices. If you're a friend of Sandy's …you're a friend of mine.

  13. That is hilarious!!! Girl, I would have done the exact same thing. Right down to smiling and walking out. And you tell it so very well.

    Great post.

    Blessings to you and your growing belly.

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