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And then there’s Jesus.

Friends, since January 1st I’ve been reading through a Chronological Bible. This means that for the past 9 months – yes 9 MONTHS – I have been reading the Old Testament. Yep. I just now hit The New. And honestly, it took a toll on me.

For example, a couple of weeks ago my husband and I were having a conversation about some things that made us kinda sad – things like past sins and such. And these are the words that came out of my mouth:

“I feel like dressing in burlap and throwing ashes over my head.” (Burlap and ashes are mentioned more than a few times in the OT.)

My husband looked at me like I was crazy and said, “Babe, have you read anything from the NEW Testament lately?……….. Maybe you should.”

(LOL. It was way funnier in person.)

Anyhow, I’m there. I’ve made it. There He is. Praise the Lord – Hallalujuah!!!! I’m in the New Testament…and so is Jesus.

While it was super difficult to read through the whole entire Old Testament writings – and while I didn’t understand a lot of it – and while some of it made me mad and confused and bewildered – and while it made me want to dress in burlap and grab some ashes at times – I’m glad I did it. Why? Because it makes Jesus even bigger. It reminds me just how much we need Him. It makes Him even more refreshing. It makes His light even brighter. And it makes the cross just that much more amazing.

One of my favorite passages so far is John 1:51. In this verse, Jesus calls himself “the stairway between heaven and earth.” Don’t you just love that? After being in the Old Testament for sooooo long – I can’t even begin to tell you how empowering it is to read the words of Jesus. I love how it’s drawing me in.

So from now until the end of the year – I’ll be in the New Testament – where The Savior is. 

Picture it this way : Remember in elementary school…when everyone would sit on the floor “Indian style” at the teacher’s feet – as she read a story or taught a lesson? That’s me. Over the next few months I’ll be sitting at The Teacher’s feet – soaking in every word. No burlap or ashes needed 🙂

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Debbie

    Hi Kate- Just dropping in to check on my little mama friend. I hope all is well with your family.


  2. Lelia Chealey

    Hi, I saw your comment on Lysa's blog about how you just bought her new book. I just wanted you to know that on my blog,Write From the Heart, http://www.leliachealey.blogspot.com we just started an blog study of her book. We "meet" every Tuesday and share what God showed us in each chapter. VERY laid back…chime in when you can sort of thing, but so cool because women from all over join in. I just wanted to invite you. No pressure, I know you just had a little one…CONGRATULATIONS!

    Oh, by the way, I just read what you said to your husband about the burlap & ashes and his response to my husband and we both got a laugh.
    I need to read the Old T one day.

    Have a blessed day loving on your baby.


  3. emily

    Hi Kate! Thanks for your sweet comment over at (in)courage today. I' glad you left it as it led me here to your place. I think I've only read through the entire OT once when I was in Bible College and I'm with you: there was lots of different emotions and reactions from it! But it is worth it to see the progress of redemption all the way through from the Garden to the resurrection. Great post!

  4. Melissa Sue

    Hi Kate,

    I found your blog via The LPM blog. I'm so encouraged by your commitment to reading through the whole OT – what an accomplishment! And I love how you express your excitement at meeting Jesus finally when you get there! If only we all had that same excitement every day!

    I'll be stopping in again!


  5. Sarah Dawn

    Love the OT and the NT! And I thought the comment was simply hysterical! My hubby would say the same thing.

    Delighted to meet you and splash around.

    Splashing for His glory,
    Sarah Dawn

  6. Oh Dear

    I found the burlap and ashes comment just as funny!!! I often use this line when young girls I love ask how they look, "Honey, you'd even look good in sackcloth and ashes!" I bet you would too Mrs. Kate!

  7. Debbie

    You are so precious friend. I love how you are hungry for the Word. And I'm so glad you're now into the NT. I love how Jesus reveals what God is like. Grace is so freeing. We can never meet the standard of the Law perfectly. But how wonderful that our God loves us so much and offers us grace and mercy as we allow Him to live in and through us. Amazing grace!

    Love you,

  8. Kimberly

    Oh, Kate.
    I am so proud of you, too! Especially with your new sweetie and you STILL stuck with it! Awesome.
    And I won't lie. You have done WAY better than me.

    I love, love, love how pressing through the OT has made making it to the NT so much sweeter. Beautiful!

    Love to you! Going to go look around your blog to see if I can find baby pictures. 🙂

  9. Krista

    um, hello, that is way more awesome than being a regular blogger for the last several months while you incorporate that new baby into your life!

    I am super impressed, and I admit a little jealous that you actually stuck with your plan and accomplished such a worthy goal. Maybe I should pick mine up again. I got as far as April.

    Go Kate.

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