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Isn’t it amazing how God can use a 3 year old to teach you awesome and lovely things about Himself…and about your walk with him?

It’s pretty neat…and very humbling. Indeed, the least among us are the greatest……

Last night, I tucked my boy in bed. I made sure he had his monkey, airplane pillow, footballs, and stuffed OSU mascot, Brutus. I knelt down beside his bed and prayed for him. I prayed that he would stay healthy, that he would sleep well, that he would be safe, that he would have a good week, and so on. Then, as usual, it was his turn. I always sit quietly, grinning, as I listen to my 3 year old talk to God:

“Tank you for Mama and Daddy. Tank you for my baby sister. Tank you for Lala and Papa. Tank you for Grandma and Grandpa. Tank you for my room and the walls. Tank you for my toys. Tank you for my door and the doorknob. Tank you for the corn (that we grew this past summer.) Tank you for Jesus. Amen.

His prayers are always like that. Sometimes he “tanks” God for the floor, his bathtub, and grass. He has even been known to “tank” God for the dirt. Yes, even dirt.


But look at the difference between my prayers and his. My prayers consist of mainly requests. My son’s prayers consist of mainly thanksgivings.

When my son talks to God…..the gratitude he shows his Maker is beautiful. It’s real. There is no fluff. No fancy wording. No frills. Just a young heart that is thankful for what he has been given. And it blesses me. It humbles me. It teaches me.

So this week, as I prepare for Thanksgiving…. I’m making it a point to be thankful for the everyday things and people in my life. And….. I’m filling my prayers with a bit more praise. “Tanks” to my 3 year old 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving, friends. May you be blessed as you head into the holiday season!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Laughing Amersons

    I love this post. It makes sense why God asks us to have faith like a child. Those little eyes see the world in such a beautiful way.

    Give Jace and Jeslyn a hug from their cousin Tiff.

    Also, just FYI, someone commented on how adorable Jeslyn is on my blog. Check it out!

  2. Debbie

    Oh Kate what a lesson to learn from a three year old. Wow!

    I can identify with you as my prayers often have a checklist of things I'm requesting. I'm going to listen and follow your little boy in this.

    Thank you for your kind words on Heart Choices today. I loved the quote you added. May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love and gratefulness.

    You are such a sweetie and I love to read all you post.

    Love you,

  3. Oh Dear

    What a smart boy! "Tank" him for the lesson to me too!

  4. Earthen Vessel

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Earthen Vessel

    That is such an honest, true heart that your little man has! What a blessing! It's very encouraging to remember! I am thankful for YOU and your sweet family! Have a wonderful holiday!

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