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So this is ridiculous. I’m so embarrassed and red in the face.

Way back a long time ago – right before I found out I was having baby #2 – I signed up to be a book review blogger for Thomas Nelson. They sent me my first book – I read it feverishly – found out I was pregnant – felt sick for about 3 months – did some major remodeling on our house – lost my mind – lost the book – forgot about reviewing it – found the book in our garage – and totally felt ridiculous …….and red in the face.

Now that Thomas Nelson’s advertising has long been done for Billy – I’m finally writing a review on it. Oh, the shame.

Since I deal with doubt and wondering when it comes to my faith  – I thought Billy would be a good read for me. In many ways, it was. Told from a unique perspective, the book gives you a glimpse into what life was like for Billy Graham, and a few of his friends along the way. It speaks of a time different than ours. Tent revivals. Farms. Door to door salesmen. The book does a good job of telling us where Billy, and his evangelist-turned-atheist friend Charles, come from. And I, for one, enjoyed this glimpse into times’ past. 

It’s a story about friendship, life, and how the two intermingle. It’s about callings, faith, and seeking truth. It’s a love story….between Graham and Ruth ( Billy’s wife) – but more importantly it’s a love story between Graham and God.

While the book has certainly made we want to learn more about Billy Graham and his life – it left me wanting a bit more. (Maybe I should pick up an autobiography on him or something.) However, the book has certainly peaked my interest, challenged my methods of securing a sound faith, and encouraged me to seek Truth. From what I understand, there is also a movie that tells the same story. I think I might have liked the movie a bit more. Either way – it’s interesting, enlightening – and will certainly pull you in.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Kimberly

    Thanks for the review! 🙂

    And don't beat yourself up for forgetting. You know, God does work all things together for good…even when we lose our minds! I have lost mine many a time. 🙂

    Blessings, sweet encourager. 🙂

  2. One of my most cherished "possessions" is a hand-written note I received from Ruth Graham regarding a piece of writing I'd sent her after spending a weekend at the Cove–a mountain retreat started by her and Billy. They are some of the most gracious, kind, generous people our generation has known. Her taking the time to respond back so personally only punctuates the heart she so gracefully lived throughout the course of her life. I look forward to meeting her one day.

    Didn't see the movie; heard mixed reviews. Yes, there's a ton of good biographies about the Grahams out there.


  3. Krista

    Book Review Blogger… Hmm, sounds like something I should check into. All I need is an excuse to pick up a book instead of fixing dinner: "Not now, honey, Mommy's working."

    Nice to hear from you, thanks for the review!

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