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I tucked him in a little tighter and I lingered longer than I usually do, before flipping down the light switch on his birthday eve.

My youngest turned the age page this week.

He’s a growing 4 now. Somehow, that seems so much older than last week’s 3.

He’s a real kid these days, all long and lean with opinions, and expressions, and wonders to offer the world. And his Mama here is blessed and satisfied, but serious.

Serious about not wasting moments with him and his siblings over the next decade or so. God, help me to be present, all in, focused, open, flexible, prepared as I raise them. Yes.

This turning four business has me wide awake and wanting excellence. It has me looking around, wondering where the time went and what I did with it. It has me squinting at future endeavors and a bit anxious about it all. But growth….it’s always a good thing.

Any mark or movement in the right direction is something to celebrate.

So right alongside my birthday cheers this week, are blog cheers as well. I have emerged from the dark ages, friends – and I’ve gotten myself a real live website here.

I feel a bit like Dorthy leaving Kansas….

With all these pictures, and options, and widgets, and fancy things to plug in. It’s a whole new world on this side of the world wide web.

Lord, take it. Bless it. Anoint it. Let people know Your love here.

I’m learning that writing…..it isn’t something one should just do on whims. When one is given the urge to weave language – one should weave on purpose, on point, with passion. A woman with life-giving words is a weapon against evil. Let all those who hold a pen in one hand understand…. that they cradle the whole hurting world with the other.

Writing is warrior work. And it was time for me to approach it that way. This space, is the result of that realization.

There’s a beef bourginoun in the oven.

It’s my first go around with this dish. All French and studious, it cooks on the stove – then cooks in the oven – then cooks in the oven some more. All those hours should mean that it turns out tender, easy to take in, robust, rich, satisfying.

I’m thinking that the blog might be like the beef. It may take some time for me to learn my way around my new neighborhood. And that’s okay. I’m beginning to understand that good things often times come slow, and that the rush should be resisted.

Mondays and Thursdays are the plan for now. I’ll be pushing publish on those days, and seeing where it goes from there. Pop over and see me in my new place here on the M’s and R’s?

I’m praying that the Lord meets us mightily as we seek Him, together.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Judy

    YAY!!! I’m so excited about your website. I will be a regular visitor!!

  2. Kate

    Thanks so much Judy! VERY grateful for you! Have a fabulous weekend! – Kate

  3. Jan Thompson

    So happy to see you on a new adventure. I will be anxiously looking for your touching words inspired by our Master of The Word.
    With love to my loves.

  4. Kate

    I’m always so grateful for your faithful encouragement! It means so much! I love ya!! Have a fine weekend!

  5. Deliah

    Nice!!!! Love these babies. They will be gone before you know it !!!

  6. Kate

    Thanks for reading, Deliah! We love you!! Have a fun weekend! 🙂 – Kate

  7. Barbara Bailey

    Katie, what a gift for writing you have! Sweet Little Katie–that’s how I remember you from your early school years, and today you are still Sweet Little Katie to me.

    Love to you–

  8. Kate

    Mrs.Bailey! Wow! It blesses me to see you commenting here! Thank you so much for reading, and for encouraging me tonight! I remember so much about your classroom. Like….the time a bee got stuck in your hair, and the day you let us go out and walk in the rare snow, and doing writing assignments, and making pillows, and learning cursive, and memorizing multiplication tables, and you reading to us while we sat on the rug! It all made such an impact on me! Many thanks! I truly hope you are doing well, and looking forward to what this new year holds for you. I pray it’s good! Love right back to you! – Katie

  9. Kristi

    Such a great word! I love …. a woman with life giving words IS a weapon against evil!❤️
    May HE give you the hands, heart, passion and insight of a warrior to write beyond measure! HE will anoint what is done in HIS name! Write ON!
    Blessings! Look forward to your blog/website posts!!!!

  10. Kate

    Thank you so very much for the encouragement, Kristi! I am so grateful for it!!! So glad you stopped by for a read! Blessings to you! – Kate 🙂

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