I've been lingering at the table a bit longer lately.And this is a victory for me.Because my natural way?....On any given night - as the pots on the stove begin…
I've been lingering at the table a bit longer lately.And this is a victory for me.Because my natural way?....On any given night - as the pots on the stove begin…
When the world seems awry and the stench of sin wafts heavy...when the chaos runs rampant and the clouds cover all light and brokenness is the theme...when there are more…
When Jesus gets inside a dreamer - the dreamer's dreams take off.And it's a beautiful flight to witness. To have a husband eager to do the Lord's work - that is…
It was sunny today friends.And my laundry was overflowing.And tomato sauce spilled all down the back of my frig.So...Instead of sitting down and hashing out the promised blog post -…
I hope this doesn't come off crass.I never want to have a harsh hand here.But there is something the Lord has placed on my heart for this week - that…
Communion had become a ritual of sorts.'Take the bread.... Take the wine...This is my body broken for you...'It had become something I just did....not something I truly embraced or fully understood.Communion....The Lord's…
Sitting there....on the tail fringes of the flu....I found myself begging for a break in the clouds.They've been dense thick with rain, lately."Lord, please. Make the clouds thin out just…
Kind Friends!Yes, I know. It isn't Tuesday or Friday - but I need to let you in on a fine giveaway going on this week....Remember my post a few weeks…
Fence and rooftop.That's all I'd have seen if I would have opened the blinds in our room.As I stand at the edge of our bed and fold laundry...I glance at…
Ah...starting anew.There's nothing so sweet.While it may seem cliche to talk about fresh beginnings and recommitments and determined focus..... I think it best we do.Because...the turn of the year - it…