There's a pot of Easter Lilies sitting on my entry way bench.They are large, pearl white, and beginning their bloom.One flower in particular is facing me now - and the…
There's a pot of Easter Lilies sitting on my entry way bench.They are large, pearl white, and beginning their bloom.One flower in particular is facing me now - and the…
I'm sitting under a big stretching canopy of blue.The skies....they really are broader in these parts - with no hills to confiscate the sky view.With sun shining high and bright…
The youngest came in with mud squished between his toes, and feet bottoms covered in a silt-like sludge........not once, but twice today.And so I took him to the sink, hoisted…
We've had a steady flow of strangers streaming through our home here lately.Apparently, when you tell your landlords you are moving - they waste no time filling your spot.And so....sometimes…
"Charles Spurgeon once said that when a jeweler shows his best diamonds, he sets them against a black velvet back-drop. The contrast of the jewels against the dark velvet brings…
Clouds are hovering dark and heavy here in Houston today....threatening to all out pour on this city.And I feel it's rather appropriate.This Monday of Holy Week - with skies ready…
I come into Holy Week....needing healing, hope, and wholeness. I come into this season - needing faith, courage, and a heart that trusts.I walk into this week, friends - longing…
I'm sitting here this morning, right on the cusp of dawn....Thinking about what a doozy of a month it's already been.The husband's job transition A home searchConstant rental showings of…
I've discovered that the bravest among us are those who hope.Those souls who find a way to offer up optimism, vision, expectancy.....Those people who choose to stay in the realm…