This week here - sandwiched between the coming of a Savior and the start of a year... It's a special one. Just after Christ's entrance, we boot the year goodbye.…
This week here - sandwiched between the coming of a Savior and the start of a year... It's a special one. Just after Christ's entrance, we boot the year goodbye.…
I'm sitting here at my dining table with windows raised all around me. I'm allowing the cool to loft in while it's lasting. It's been warmer than normal, so when…
As I walked passed the window a few days ago...With our lessons completed, and dinner started, and laundry spinning...I caught a merry glimpse of my girl-child right in the middle…
Sometimes you have to reach up and grab your day.Sometimes you have to lasso that thing right to you - where you can hold it, and mold it, and make…
I have to write to stay awake.I have to punch keys and form phrases to really see, and really hear, and really know.Understanding that I am always on the lookout...Always…
It's funny how fast light travels.Since my last post - it seems as if a few rays of hope, and truth, and goodness have made their way through those clouds…
I'd rather be at the library.But when I pulled into the library parking lot this morning, I realized it was closed.Libraries should never, ever, ever be closed. Ever.So I'm here,…
I'm leaning back on a velvet crimson pillow embroidered with a golden stitched crown.My feet are propped and crossed under a fine quilted throw.There are magazines picked out just for…
You can’t creep up on people in an old cabin.Wood from the 1800’s creeks and cracks, making it hard to sneak.Thankfully.I have a few jokesters in my crew who like…
I wonder how many letters have been written at this old dark desk.How many notes of affection, business transactions, letters of love to family in some far off town somewhere.It’s…