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I passed by a park and decided to let my toes tap the sky.

Me, all grown here, I swung all by myself. I had no usual park patrons in tow, just adult Mama.

I had been on a dream walk of sorts – tennis shoes all tied up tight, headphones hooked up and streaming, sunshine, breeze, just a moment for me to leave the house and imagine things I’d like to have come to fruition someday. It’s something I try to do once a week or so.

As I walk, I wonder.

It’s good for a woman who is surrounded by the same walls all day. Breaking loose out into the open air frees up my spirit again and let’s my mind run wild for a while.

So that day when I rounded the corner to see the neighborhood play area with no one on it, I knew I needed to swing high and uninhibited.

I did. And it made me remember joy. And it made me unbuckle my tightly wound heart again.

It only lasted for a moment. Words started to fly and I had to scribble them quick while my oversized Mom bottom was being squeezed by the strap of leather they call a seat. Those things are made for smaller bottoms than mine, apparently.

After jotting down what was spilling over, I ramped up the thing again. Back and forth, smiling, just at myself. I hopped loose while the swing was still flying high, just like I used to.

My feet hit the ground. And I walked back to life.

We find ourselves receiving an extra 24 hours today, friends. We’re sitting in the leap year here. We’re being blessed with a whole ‘nother day to do. Might we let it include some things that we normally wouldn’t?

Like a good swing?

Or a nice note?

Or a donut?

Or a simple stroll on your lunch hour?

Or a surprise for someone special?

Or extra minutes to sit outside and read?

Maybe write? Pray? Journal? Dream?

Use it. Grab these bonus hours and bust out something excellent.

I’m sitting here thinking up what the blondes and I might do a little differently today – just to mark the extra moments.

Let’s all recognize them somehow, and fill them up with sweet fine things, no matter how small.

Because really we all live with such abundance, don’t we?

Consider this your invitation to celebrate in some way.

We’ll be with you. Marking the bounty, too.

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