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I had high hopes of rising early today.

It’s been two weeks or so since I’ve been able to sit and share here, so I’m way past due for a posting.

Staying in the good habit of writing and sharing on a consistent basis is something I’m devoted to. It’s healthy for me. And I think in the long course of things the faithfulness will pay off. Plus, I just enjoy the sitting and spilling.

So please forgive my short hiatus.

The days have been full to the brim lately.

I had a few writing projects to complete, a birthday to celebrate, recitals to attend, weddings, appointments, plans to set.

My mind has been consumed as well with looming educational decisions, financial goal setting, and strategizing courses of action on all manner of things.

It’s wild how mental exertions can tire you quicker and more dramatically than physical ones.

Hence, the early rise that wasn’t.

I’ll have a tendency to scathe myself today for not cheerily hitting my feet earlier than I did. I tend to feel like a loser if I sleep past a certain time and don’t check off enough items on the list before the children charge.

I ashamedly do sometimes tether my worth to my work. I’m aware that my identity and avail can’t be found in the mere merits of doing, but I bend in that direction anyhow.

Lord help me with this.

I do however believe in the refining and advancement power of submitting and applying yourself to worthwhile work.

It grows and rarefies us.

Having a purpose to live into, a duty to fulfill, a target to fly to – these things give us life robustly.

My not so littles have emerged and breakfast will be called for soon.

Monday is knocking.

Enjoy your first week of June, friends. Love to you all.

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