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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The youngest came in with mud squished between his toes, and feet bottoms covered in a silt-like sludge….

….not once, but twice today.

And so I took him to the sink, hoisted his little diapered bottom up on the counter, turned the faucet on, and wiped away the clay.

Two times.

It wasn’t until half-way through the second wash – that it dawned on me….

I was washing dirty feet.

And on this day thousands of years ago……

 Jesus was doing the same.

Normal mom experience turned supernatural God encounter.

I got all the mud off, rinsed his sweet toddler toes, and grabbed a kitchen rag to wipe his feet down.

As I dried him off – my mind went to Christ.

Jesus….all kneeling and servant like….washing the sand off the disciples feet and drying them with the towel around his waste…..

This God of a man who came for us all….serving and washing….and wanting to.

What wild grace!

The moment grabbed me.

I’m still reeling from it.

Because for a moment – it was as if I was staring right into His face.

The magnitude of what Christ did that night – the night before He would hang….is downright staggering.

The Lord of the universe cleansing the hooves of the very ones who would betray Him the next day – it’s inconceivable.

The whole thing….

Christ coming as an infant in a barn….
living and moving and eating and being right here amongst the broken….
healing and redeeming and saving….
serving and teaching and loving…
enduring whips and thorns and pain….
aching and dying.

It’s outside my capacity to fathom.

Oh God you are great! So greatly to be praised!

As we turn the page here….

And head into Good Friday – oh let us ponder and meditate and focus and realize how the Maker of the world….became the Savior of the world.

And let it undo us.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mary Kandell

    Sweet Katie, I think of you more than you know. Bless your sweet heart and your family this Easter Season

  2. Kate

    Mrs.Kandell! Thank you for stopping in for a read….made my day! Happy Easter!!!

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