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My belly is empty….but my arms are full πŸ™‚

The second boy….the third baby…. he has arrived.

And so has his mother. Each birth – is not only an arrival of a new life….but an arrival of a new woman.

With each fresh blond head (yes, another blond!) one more layer of selfishness begins to peal away. One more shelf of self-denial is wrought. One more faith layer is laid upon the others. One more hope, dream, prayer – fulfilled.

This gift….this boy…that robs me deeper of selfishness and egocentrism and doubt and negativity – he’s a lesson for me. As I study his serious face, his lanky toes, his softness – I know that his fashioning was not by mistake. And while it’s only a part of his purpose, I’m certain – This little new one comes to me to teach me a thing or two. And it pleases Him to do it this way.

The first blonds – they made me realize it all. Five and half years of lessons thus far in patience. In humility. In pride. In love. In life. And the lessons continue.

And the lessons can be rough. And the tests that come from my two….now, my three…. oh, they can be difficult. And I fail many of them. And I barely pass a few – (only on the re-takes) – but through them all….I learn.

So this new adventure that emerged and filled his lungs with air for the first time three days ago – He’s sleeping in his crib now. And as I look in on his fresh face – and as I quiet the boistrous voices of his siblings – I’m tired and beat up and anxious and sleepy and overwhelmed and wrung out – of course. But I’m thankful. I have joy. I’m filled with expectation. And happy hope. And shear gratefulness for the sweet love…for the honest laughter….and even for the teaching that will take place – ….through my trio.

Let the fresh lessons begin….

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Lisa

    Congratulations on #3. Thank you for writing this beautifully inspiring post…my husband has been egging me on about #3 in our house and I keep procrastinating…I know in the long run I'd love a bigger family…but on some days I feel like there is nothing more to give!! That's the selfishness…the stuff God is still working at in me! This post reminds me of the beauty and blessings of babies…

  2. Garima

    congrats…now you must be busy handling three kids.God bless you and your family πŸ™‚ <3

  3. CONGRATS!!!! A baby boy. How wonderful for you. Thanks for stopping by to share the news on my blog. I miss seeing you in my comments. You are always such a breath of fresh air.

    Take care of yourself and those little ones. Three kids is different than two kids. πŸ™‚

    I am so very, very happy for you.

  4. Debbie

    Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! My and I remember when you were writing about your pregnancy with your second. I am so glad you stopped by Heart Choices and left me a comment. As you can see, my life has changed a bit with returning to full time work. But I LOVE working with little children! God is so good to provide this opportunity for me.

    So I understand a bit about how children teach us and we need to grow in patience. In fact, a little five year old boy told me this summer that patience means 'waiting without complaining'. So now we teach our three and four year olds that definition and they can recite it. πŸ™‚

    I look forward to reading more about your life with three children. May the Lord bless you and your family.

    Blessings and love,

  5. Oh Dear

    Congratulations Mama!

  6. Kimberly

    Oh! How wonderful!!! Congratulations on precious #3! πŸ™‚

    God does teach us so, so much through our children. πŸ™‚ I know He has taught, is teaching, and will continue teach me much through my own three!

    Blessings to you and your family,
    K πŸ™‚

  7. Teresa T.

    Dear Sweet Katie, congratulations on the birth of your newest blonde one! I so much look forward to your postings! You have such a beautiful way with words! Thank you for sharing your gift! Blessings to you and your family!

  8. Teresa T.

    Dear Sweet Katie, once again congratulations on the birth of your newest blonde one, Jett! Thanks for sharing your heart with your beautiful words! I look forward to your postings for they are such a joy to read! You have a great gift!!! Blessings to you, Derek and your family! Teresa T.

  9. Katie Thompson

    Congratulations, my sweet friend, on your trio πŸ™‚ I feel so blessed that you share your faith, your life, and your love with us. Many many hugs, from one mama to another!

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