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We can make it or break it for the ones we’re with.

And really….I could just end the post there.

That line says it all.

But since this is such a startling thing to consider…..

and since this very thing has so much impact on the lives of those we love and live around….

and since I need some serious God intervention here….

perhaps an unraveling is necessary?

As spouses, mothers, friends – all kinds of power is cupped in the very palm of our hands.

The kind of life our spouses live….the memories our children will hold – it’s all seriously dependent upon how we choose to conduct ourselves.

Does this scare awake anyone else?

Our attitudes, our emotions, our reactions, our phobias, our declarations, our beliefs, our actions –
they can mold or mess with…
they can frighten or set free…
they can build up or bruise blue.

We women have that kind of power.

In our homes. In our workplaces. In our churches. In our communities.


And this can be a problem.

Because we are fallen.
And we have issues.
And scars.
And splitting wide open-wounds.
And bents.
And tendencies.
And patterns.
And addictions.
And strongholds.
And weaknesses.
And doubts.

All that and more.

I do, anyway.

And when you pair all of those things – with the influence we have over the people in our sphere….oh, sister….

Heaven help us.

How in the world can we correctly use the power of influence we possess – when all that mess of junk is possessed by us, as well?

That’s the key – there’s no way in this world….

But there is in His.

And when our spouses and children and coworkers see us being used by Him….see us living out our position for positive impact….see us blessing others – while at the same time seeing our raw brokenness?

They’ll be forced to simply say…

“That has to be Jesus.”

So yes…while we are torn and tattered and worn…used and feeble and incapable…

In Him?… We’re sewn strong, mended, made new…replenished, sturdy and so, so able.

Able to make it – rather than break it for those souls that deal with us daily.

So let’s not throw our hands up and succumb to the thinking that we are too messed up to do any good…or too old to change…or too young to care…or too far gone to come back again.

Let’s resist the urge to think that we will always be the way we are and that we will always deal with the dirt we’ve accumulated.

Let’s let go of the idea that we have done too much damage – to do anybody any good.

After all…we can bear the image of God. We can reflect Him.

And so can the people in our lives. Looking at others as potential witnesses for Christ – what motivation!

Like Andy Crouch said ….we can be ‘image-bearers’ or ‘image-breakers’ to our neighbors.

The only way to make-it….rather than break it – for those souls that surround us?

Is Him in us.

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