Wouldn’t it be nice to know what He’s unfolding?
Wouldn’t it just bring some ease, some solidity, some anchor?….to get a glimpse of what God might have waiting for you just down the lane a bit?
Wouldn’t it erase some anxiety and stove off the wild scurry we all feel sometimes?
It seems like it would.
Sometimes, He does give us a morsel – whether by way of prophetic word, by a deep inner sense and peace that He provides, through some scripture word highlighting itself up and off the parchment, by reoccurring themes that keep coming up from every which way.
But for a large portion of our lives, we will look to the future and simply see our own developments. We can scan out on horizons with our eyes all squinted and our hands cupped over our foreheads and strain to see what’s coming, but a lot of the time we will only see what we muster up in our own goals and visions.
I’m a girl who loves goals and visions, and aspirations and achievements – but life has shown me that so often those mortal dreams and proclamations can be off at times.
We aren’t the all-knowing ones. We aren’t omni in any way.
We are mere humans who can barely see a few steps ahead in our own abilities.
But we can choose.
We can allow the Spirit of Christ to dwell and determine and guide us to the good things He has. There’s a yielding involved – a giving up of what you once wanted to grab – a bowing, really – but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but on course with Christ.
Often times, what He leads us to surpasses what we had imagined ourselves. And who wants to miss out on that?
I have an anxiety bent.
As we settled into sheets last night my husband encouraged me to confess to God what was riddling me, and ask Him for some sweet Holy Spirit word about it.
And while I most often times don’t receive much of anything when I ask for such things…. last night I did.
And it was the sweetest. Personal, kind, clear, and all out calming. He filled my mind with a few pictures and it spoke right to all my angst. It gave me assurance that what is up ahead for us – is all in His steer.
The peace it provided is still hovering this morning. Thank you, God.
All this may seem like madness to you. I get that. But I’ve also gotten a small glance of what a good Father can do, and I’m going with that.
There’s a new set of lilies on my table today. Two of the stems are right in the middle of their unfolding. They arch petals and each one swoops backward, not knowing what blossoming will bring.
Praying for each festering soul that passes by this place today. Praying that each person might feel and hear Him somehow, and that it would bring a lush peace as you scope out the skyline.
Needed to read this today — thank you.
The “Peace” that passes all understanding is ours for the asking. We have to say “please” and “thank you” to our Heavenly Father for being the “giver ” of that glorious “peace”.
Please Lord and Thank You !
Grateful for you Judy! Just prayed for you! – Kate 🙂
There is nothing like that peace! Love you so! – Kate
Wow…I needed to read this today. He has our best in mind, better than we can ever dream or imagine. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for reading!- Kate