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  • Reading time:3 mins read

How did the laundry go from a pile, to a hill, to a mountain… just in that amount of time?

If I cease my constant cycle of clothes washing even for a day, the clothes go from a manageable mound to an overflowing and out of control alp, in a blink.

I know there are five of us, with numerous outfit changes throughout each day, but it’s ludicrous.


The dishes are similar. When you homeschool, and four out of the five of you are in the confines of your small rent house all the live long day, and three out of those four feel like they need to eat every five minutes – you dirty some dishes.

And on and on it goes.

I feel like so much of being a mom is redoing what your people have undone.

And it never ends.

They keep changing clothes, eating, playing, unraveling what I’ve woven. And if a Mama isn’t careful, she can become a manage and control freak – running around trying to keep her work to a minimum by sweeping and swiping and barking out orders – before anyone is done with anything, and before the joy has been squeezed out of them.

Don’t do this.

If the playroom you cleaned yesterday is a complete debacle today, if the vehicle you vacuumed last week already has scraps and wrappers in every crevice, if your kitchen is currently piled with sticky dishes waiting for the wash, if you’ve placed your hands on your hips and looked around your house dumbfounded at the ability your people have to stir up what’s been nicely tidied…

Then your home has a pulse.

Your home is inhaling and exhaling and moving and making and teaming with all kinds of life.

Your home has a heart that beats strong.

What grace.

Yeah, we teach our people to be respectful of our spaces. They need to know how to create and maintain a haven.

We stay purposed in civilizing the hearts and minds we tend.

We will most certainly feel gypped and used at times.

And we will do so, so, so much that no one will ever understand or see.

But our homes tick and thrum.

And this is a gift.

The sun has scarcely emerged and I already hear my people reversing what I’ve refined.

Let me remember today that while all this means work, rework, a pouring out for me – it also means that there is life happening here.

May we find gratefulness through the grind.

Make it a good Thursday, friends.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Beth Tatman

    I love this! I so wish I would have had this when my girls were younger but I hope to pass it on to them. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and life with us 🙂

  2. Kate

    Thank you so much for reading, Beth! And know – it is never ever too late to get grateful and intentional about our lives. I awakened to it much later than I wish I had, and have to be redirected and reminded often. I hope you have a great day!

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