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There’s a fog that seems to fall on Mondays.

The weekend offers us somewhat of a reprieve, making room for a little more rest….like a break in the clouds.

But Mondays…

They can leave the head groggy and the heart reluctant.

I’m convinced that it doesn’t have to be this way. I’m sure some gurus out there have ways to approach this. I’ll snoop around on it. But as for now, Monday mornings provide an aching type of waking.

Today, as my feet slipped to the carpet and I walked into the week, my mind turned to a passage I had recently read…

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)

It’s a prayer, really.

A good one for moms on Mondays.

Because what comes out of our mouths fills the heads of those we do life with. Over and over. Our words are what they hear bouncing and echoing in their brains all day long, all life long.

And we’re aware that what’s in the heart is what the mouth speaks, so the things we hold and rehearse and inhabit in the crevices of our ticker….will indeed make their way out into the world through our words.

The things we retain are the things we release.

And so this Psalm 19 verse is an apt plea and petition for me.

God, we lift it up…

Please Lord, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you.

Because we understand that in all His purity and righteousness and love, that if something is acceptable and pleasing to Him, it is healthy and good for us. 

I’ve already sent this thing up and flying to Him today. And I will do it several times over before my head hits the pillow at eve’s end.

I have to. Left to my own devices, I fail to regurgitate anything good.

This scripture prayer is a life line allowing me to be helped and undergirded.

My head feels a little less foggy as I ask it, already.

Blessed Monday to you, friends.

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