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Rather than saying goodbye and separating ourselves from a church family we love, we’re saying see ya soon and deciding to be sisters.

We will have a kin church down here on the gulf….leading separate lives but having an open line….

Ministering in two different states but staying connected, as family does.

This is healthy and it makes me happy.

Being sent out this way sits well with my heart.

Today we’ll hug necks and bid adieu to folks who have bolstered our faith, put up with us as we cut our teeth, and loved on us well while we were stationed here.

This last Sunday worshiping as a part of this faith family will be hard, but what a joy!… To know we have the prayers, support, and encouragement of these fine people as we forge onward into good things blesses me.

I’m sitting here early, on the fringe of this first full week of March, in wonderment of what this week holds.

Movers, boxes, flights, hotel rooms. Emotions, heart strings, feelings, memories. Excitement, change, transition.

We will let go and take hold.

And I feel thrilled about what’s coming.

Moving mid school year is difficult, but I’m so glad we get to transition right here on the cusp of Spring.

As new life pushes past the surface of the soil and blooms something new, so do we.

What a timely gift!

The birds are chirping glad and happy just on the other side of my bedroom window, calling us all into a new Sunday, a new season.

Big, big hugs all around, friends.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jenniffer Trent

    A very emotional morning at Christ Fellowship as well. Change is hard but it’s how God grows us all. Blessings as you head to Tennessee!

  2. Kate

    Thank you so much! Looking forward to it all!

  3. Lacey Thompson

    And then there’s LaLa……..Crying into her glass bottle —-real sugar Dr. Pepper…..

  4. Kate

    Lol! Oh my goodness!

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