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There’s a game of Mouse Trap all sprawled out before me, waiting for a family to resume its play today.

There’s a grapefruit candle beside me dancing strong and happy, its flame a type of faith.

There’s tea steeping in the kitchen, rounding out its pep and goodness so I can be my best me.

There’s a loud string duet streaming from speakers, calling sweet to my creativity.

And here’s a Mama who changed her morning plans to sit and spill for a spell with you.

Welcome. May today’s share bring you light and life, reader and seeker.


In prayer and thoughtfulness I feel a prompting to put a few things before us this day. It will be short, but it’s something I’m serious to address.

Chiefly, it’s this:

Me being me and you being you will wake the world right up.

Like the tulips from my table a few weeks ago, we all open wide and sing our own God-song.

We use our life-voices to vivify our spheres, and worship the The World-Maker, and find our glee in the God-image we project.

It’s something we get to do, and the thought of it gets me going today. I feel a surge rise in me as well though, as I think about the ways our identities, and worths, and esteems get all mixed up and jaded – so I wanted to journey down this path for a quick jaunt this week.

There are two things I’ve mentioned before, but I want to take your arm and wander around with you as I say them again:

1 – Are there things about you that need redeemed? Healed? Reversed?

Yes. Let’s ask the Good Shepherd to address them so that we can.

2 – Are there things about you that were intended? Placed? On purpose?

Yes. Let’s ask the Giver of it all to show us what they are – so we can live into them now.

Me being me and you being you will wake the world right up.

Me waking up and walking out the Katie that God had in mind is what will make the fantastic impact. You tapping in and figuring out God’s idea of you is what will bring about the most redemption on the earth.

No faking. No wishing long and hard for another’s gifting. No stuffing our own. No feeling less-than or unseen. No embarrassment over the things we lean into. No comparison. No feelings of not being enough.

We were made enough in Him and by Him, and we’re able and called to BE who He SEES.

Me being me and you being you will wake the world right up.

And it will set us at ease and we will fly free now, and on and on and on to Glory.

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