“Love, consolation and peace bloom only in the garden of sweet contentment.” – Martha Anderson
I love that quote. It gets me all centered and focused.
I’m not real great at being content. Actually, I’m the worlds worst, always thinking that I need this or that to finally get my soul satisfied. But what I’m learning Dear Ones, is that contentment is more of a decision than anything else.
Paul, the writer of Philippians says…. For I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. – Philippians 4:11-12
I’m gonna pursue a Paul-like passion for contentment and for Jesus. Amazing.
1 Timothy 6:6 says, Yet true godliness and contentment is itself great wealth.
Godliness AND contentment. Now that is an unstoppable combination, isn’t it? Know what else I’m learning? I’m realizing that I can’t create either one of those things on my own – much less both of them. If I could – my ego would be as big as my Texas-hair. Nope. I need God, His word, and His people to encourage me on in this contentment quest. I can’t do it alone.
” Women of adventure have conquered their fates and know how to live exciting and fulfilling lives right where they are (emphasis mine!). They have learned to reinvent themselves and find creative ways to enjoy the world and their place in it.” – Barbara Jenkins
Did y’all catch that?….the “RIGHT WHERE THEY ARE” part? That’s good. And the whole thing about “reinventing themselves”. It makes me wonder….what do YOU think those phrases mean…”right where you are” and “reinventing yourself”? Any thoughts? Please, share!
Anyway, as I mentioned in my last post – I’ve been thinking about the upcoming year lately. Ya know all those New Years Resolutions I have? Well, contentment is going to be on the top of my list. I know. It won’t be easy. Contentment is a tough one. But oh, what a needed trait it is. Especially for me.
I hope you have a happy and satisfying start to your week, Sweet Ones.
Thanks so much for your thoughts. This season is especially susceptible to losing sight of that contentment. I am trying this year to overcome, and appreciate any thoughts to encourage me in that direction.
I love that the post was written in pink, which incidentally is a color that evokes a huge sigh of contentment from me. Weird, huh? Before my second child was born, I literally had a dream where I was in a pink room, and it completely relaxed me.
BTW, I grew up in Ohio as a Buckeye fan, and currently live about 30 miles from Brenham, home of BlueBell Creamery (is there any other kind of ice cream?)… So I am glad to meet someone with whom I apparently have several wonderful features in common!
Wow…I had to come back and see what I wrote that was so wise. Ha ha!
No, the real reason I'm back is to say the actual title of that book is "How to become a God Chaser and a Kid chaser"
Love ya!
Contentment is a sweet gift–I don't receive it very often, though.
Contentment. That is definitely one I could use some work on, as well. God is definitely working on me about finding contentment and fulfillment right where I am.
I had to go and think about the "reinventing" part. For me, I am having to let God reinvent how I have viewed myself…how I have viewed success, how I have viewed beauty, how I have viewed who I am supposed to be. And what freedom there is in being who He has designed me to be instead of trying so hard to be someone I can't and never will be. Of course, I am still learning and "reinventing"! 🙂
Blessings to you as you seek His face and His will! Your posts are an encouragement!
Many years ago, as a young new mom, I felt a little "trapped" by schedules (not my own). I read a great book "Being a God-Chaser and a Kid-Chaser" by Tommy Tenney and his mother.
It was then I realized that God was affording me a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pour myself into my family. And also a unique time period to spend exorbitant amounts of time reading, praying and studying His word.
I learned to embrace my season rather than wait impatiently for the next one. Because God showed me the time would soon come when I would no longer have hours a day "trapped" at home.
And since that time, I've looked for the unique opportunities afforded me in every season.
It's made all the difference.
Great post.
Great challenge for me today and into my future. Contentment, right where I am, is hard to come by. I know God has given me just what I need for Him to do His work in my life.
I love this post and thank you for the wakeup call. I love the part when you state you can’t do it on your own, it’s truly humbling and incredibly necessary for me to realize my need of God and how good He is. Thank you so much. I think it amazing how timing isn’t a problem for God and how He has a bigger picture for things like a blog post; like how your 2008 post found its way into my 2016 heart. Thank you for obedience, your blunt/sassy writing and for following Jesus. There’s an old song that goes “Thank you for giving to the Lord, I was a life that was changed….I am so glad you gave.”
I’m so very glad it was a blessing to you! How wonderful. I hope you have a lovely Wednesday! – Kate