I’ve been watering my roots here lately π
Just the other day I was outside watering my hanging plants – when my 3 year old decided that he wanted to “hep”. I filled up the watering pale for him and he got busy. As I watched, I noticed that he was trying to water the actual flower – not the roots or the soil – and the water was pouring out all over the place. I quickly said, “Honey, you need to water the roots. If you do – our flowers will stay nice and pretty. There’s no need to water the actual flower, Babe. When the roots are watered – the flowers are, too.” And much to my delight – he has been watering the roots correctly ever since. He totally got it.
His Mama got it, too.
I’ve been realizing here lately that my roots need some tending. I need watered. I need to stop focusing so much on all the external things – what people see and such.
Like my flowers need healthy soil. I need a healthy soul.
Without it, my life will look like my flowers do when I fail to water them – pale, droopy, and lackluster. That’s not what I want my hanging plants to look like – and it’s dang sure not how I want my life to look either.
We have a baby girl coming in the next month. Yep. Just typing that makes the reality of it all set in. So I have really been asking the Lord to prepare my heart and household for her. Watering my roots. My son’s life is about to change in some major ways with our newest addition. I’ve been asking God to help me serve my son and meet his needs correctly. Watering his roots. My husband has been very busy at work and the company he works for will be rearranging soon. I’ve been praying over the situation – asking God for guidance and peace and strength. Watering our roots.
And as I focus on nourishing the soil around here – please know that I’m hoping and praying that your soil is healthy, too. I know my blog has been a bit bla lately – but each of you are on my mind and heart so often π Just know that π
Busy getting watered,
Kate π
Sweet Kate,
This was sooooo good! Watering the roots, not the flowers. A healthy soul like healthy soil. That is really one of the exact reasons why I am stepping back like I am. My roots, my soil…they need some major tending. What people see isn't what matters. God knows my heart, and He knows my heart needs more of Him in a big way.
Thank you so much for your sweet comment. And thank you for always being one of my sweetest encouragers. I am with Sandy….I would love to see pictures of your baby girl when she gets here! I know you will do a fabulous job as a mommy of two! You have such a heart for your Father and for your family!!!!
I am still praying for you!
Love you, friend!!! Thanks for being such a blessing in my life!
Kimberly π
Hi Kate!
I'm so excited your baby is almost here. And I just had to giggle at your nesting tendencies…it's awesome.
Don't worry about how dramatically your little boy's life will change. I'll tell ya, girl, a little baby sister will be ALL GOOD for him. It will help him learn so much that you can't teach him when he thinks the world revolves around his schedule and his needs. It sounds mean, but it's really, really good.
God has a way of enlarging a Mommy's heart and her time in such a way as to love each child exactly how he or she needs to be loved. I'm one of seven kids, and I can tell you, I always felt completely and totally loved even though my mom had to divide her attention between seven kids a hubby and herself. Amazing. Miraculous, really.
Your heart is beautiful and pure. I totally sense it. I can't wait to see pictures of your little one. If you don't want to post them on the blog (not sure how you feel about that) will you please make sure you send me some via e-mail? No rush…just sometime before she starts kindergarten.
Wish I could be nearby to lend a hand or bring a meal…and definitely to pass on a TON of cute baby clothes.
Love you so much!
I'm just checking in to see how you're doing and feeling. You've been on my mind. Did you see Sandy's blog lately? She had a post and wrote the names of the blogs that inspired her and yours was there!!! You are an inspiration to me too.
Kate, you have actually been on my mind lately. I wasn't sure when you were due but I always check in to see if there's something new on your blog. And then I received your comment on Heart Choices today so here I am …
I love your heart!!! I wish I was as spiritually wise as you are at your age! But I guess we can't go back, only forward. I know you are going to be such a good mom to your two little ones. You are able to take a simple teaching moment with your son and learn something for yourself. And in the process this will stay with your son for life! Those teachable moments are available if we stay close to our Lord.
As I'm writing this, my heart is praying for you. For this new little baby who is still inside but almost ready to come and meet her mommy face to face. And of course, her daddy and little brother. What a blessing! Thank you for sharing with your blogging friends the lessons you teach and are learning. We're all here to encourage each other along the way. Life can be challenging at times. I'm so glad we are sisters in Christ!