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  • Reading time:2 mins read

“Lord, help me with THIS.”

That’s the prayer I uttered as I rocked my newborn in her room a few days ago.

Sometimes, when I sit and think about it – the responsibilities I have as a mother and a wife are overwhelming, and yes…even a little scary. I mean, think about it. You have little people depending on you for their every need. You are their example. You are their guide. You. It’s all you. And you better have it somewhat together sister, or they will feel the effects of it.

Talk about pressure.

And then there is the whole wifey thing. You are their partner. Their go-to girl. Their prayer warrior. Their love. Their encourager. Their support. It’s a tall order, ain’t it girls? A wonderful one – but hefty, nonetheless!

So as I sat their in the silence of my daughter’s nursery – with to-do lists, worries, doubts, and concerns in mind – my newborn rested comfortably on my shoulder – completely unaware. Every few minutes she would sleepily look up at me with her big blue eyes – almost as if she was just making sure I was still there – then she would drift confidently back to sleep. Watching her breath so sweetly and rest so peacefully in my arms – I couldn’t help but want to feel that way myself. I couldn’t help but look up and say – “Lord, help.”

From erasing the doubts and questions that all too often crowd out my faith – to erasing the blue marker that is now scribbled all over my back window. I need help with it all.

But more than anything…

“Lord…help me to know that You are holding me…watching me breath..watching me drift in and out of my day – watching me look up – just to see if You are still there. Help me to confidently close my eyes – and KNOW that You are. Because just knowing that – will help me out with it all.”

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will never fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:8

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Elizabeth Mahlou

    You are already way ahead of many new mothers: you know you need God's help and I am sure that you know that will always have God's help. That will make you a better mother from Day 1. Even when we are not aware of God's presence in our lives, there is something special about little children that pulls God to their side whether or not we ask for His help for them. You are starting out on a wonderful new adventure. Enjoy every minute of it! The time passes so quickly!

  2. Oh Dear

    That verse was one suggested for my friend facing a mountain but as I write and read the suggested verses, I realize it is I who needs them! Thank you for your suggestions.

    Thank you for this post!!!!!!!!

  3. That is a beautiful post. Those hours and hours spent rocking a newborn are fertile ground for the brain to go into overdrive. But as I heard you describe it, I missed it. I remember rocking and nursing the babies was sometimes the only time I sat down the entire day.

    Rest assured, God hears you, sweet friend. I think He's especially fond of the prayers of a young mother.

    Your post blessed me today.

    Love you!

  4. Debbie

    Such a beautiful analogy with your baby looking up to you and us looking to God. I would never be able to make it one day without Him.

    Sweet one, I just love your attitude and dependency you know you have on the Lord. He has entrusted these little ones to you but not to do it alone or with your husband. He will lead you and guide you every step of the way by faith.

    I will pray that He will guide you and lead you everyday and to remember how much He loves you. And BTW, your blogging friends love you too.


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