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A quiet little hollow.

That’s what this space has been for the last few weeks.

It wasn’t intentional. No blog-fasting or anything – life has simply been in full swing.

I’ve written many-a-blog-post in my head over the last month…. it’s just that none of them made it down to my fingertips and onto the internet.

Much has happened since I last punched anything out here. A bit of what’s been going on:

* Homeschooling is on a roll, friends. And all of us are surviving. And most of us are thriving. We have studied butterflies in depth. We have filled our nature corner with things like cicada exoskeletons, pretty leaves, a dried up chrysalis, roses, sticks, and insects. We have learned about weather. We are whizzing through math and enjoying phonics. We have read countless books. And the Mama is pleased….tired and a little inadequate feeling….but pleased. We have hiccups every now and then. And meltdowns occur (usually by the Mama) – but we are hanging in. And it’s good.

* There is a ‘For Sale’ sign in our yard. Therefore, all of the cobwebs are cleared from the corners of the house. My porch is swept. New candles litter every table and desk. Closets are clean. Fingerprints have been wiped from windows. A massive yard sale has been accomplished. I sweep every five minutes. And I throw a toddler-style tantrum every time some child (or some husband) leaves something out of place. Things that usually sit on counter tops are now stuffed into odd places as not to be seen by potential home buyers. And I try to keep the house looking like people don’t actually live here. Yes, we are moving. Across the country. About 1200 miles away, actually. (More on this to come.)

* I’m thinking that a new blog is on the horizon. I like my little generic blog spot. But I’m thinking He might be urging me to push past the comfortable and safe.  I’m praying about this one. I like simple – so even if I move blog addresses and I actually purchase a template or something – it will remain frill-less. Spirit-inspired words are enough – and that is what I hope to have there.

* I’m parked in Matthew 11. Jesus won’t let me leave it. And this is good. I think that sometimes we get all wrapped up in the amount of scripture we cram down our throats – when really, we should be focusing on smaller portions that we can actually digest. We have to chew on things a while sometimes – take small bites and let it really break down so we can taste it. Matthew 11 is my bite for this week. Join me there? All of it – but certainly verses 25-30 are resonating.

With that – I better get back to schooling. We have some math to do, friends. Thanks for sticking with me through the blog drought. Hopefully the dryness is over. I’ve missed spilling it all out here. 

Back soon. And I mean it.

Blessings to you all.

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