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Words aren’t waiting to spill today, really. They feel distant and lacking. I still want to share, I just might have to reach down a little deeper to find and form sentences this afternoon.

It’s St. Patrick’s Day, and I’m typing to you from the fifth floor of a hotel room in the middle of Texas.

We don’t get to fly the coup too often, so when we were gifted points we packed bags and sailed down the westbound highway in high spirits – all of us so pleased and happy about hitting the road for a brief break.

An hour in, however – we realized that the youngest had spiked a fever. No warnings. No signs. Just a small boy who got really quiet, very still, and felt like a furnace. I’m a Mama, so I had medicine on hand. The grape syrup perked him up a bit.

I’m doing my best to act like a grown, compassionate, mature adult parent – and not pout and pity over these rare few days away being somewhat hampered by illness. It could be worse, and I’m thankful it isn’t.

But still.

On top of that, we locked our keys in the car this morning, and we also had to miss out on some planned activities due to crazy crowds. Why did the homeschoolers, who can go places when others can’t, decide to have a getaway during spring break? Lesson learned.

I’m sitting here with the youngest while the other two blondes swim with Daddy. Even though he is sick, he is being sweet, and he is watching TV as a little treat. I’m typing, trying to decide if I’m going to take something for this headache.

Life. It happens in all its different forms and glories whether we have time and opportunity for it or not.

We will lay low tonight, and take advantage of the hotel channels. We don’t have cable at home, so HGTV will be on the screen much of the evening. This is a win.

I’m by a window, looking out at a thick layer of puffed clouds, and lines of vehicles, and city workers working, and the sun is just beginning to peek through.

May the clouds part and let the light shine sweet on the last 24 hours of this thing. Please, Lord. Yes and amen.




This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. jan thompson

    Praying for cooled foreheads and happy faces with the new day. Much love to you all?

  2. Kate

    Yes and amen! Me too! Love you, MawMaw!

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