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I’m learning that truth-telling trumps temptation.

That releasing what’s real helps you to overcome allurement.

That saying and sharing what’s accurate and honest will always leave you stronger than the things you’ve found yourself succumbing to.

Confession. It’s just telling the truth and revealing what’s real – about ourselves, our situations, our shortcomings.

There’s power in speaking out unfeigned reality.

So tonight I have for you…

Three Things I’m Confessing

1.) I can get really angry.

So you better watch it. Just kidding 🙂 But no really – I can get hot in the head faster than you can blink an eye. I’ve chatted with a few folks lately that seem surprised at this admission. But oh, it’s just true. It happens in all sorts of situations. The most noble thing I get ticked about is injustice. When someone is bullied, defamed, wrongly accused, wounded – I unwind. This is righteous anger and it’s a mighty thing to wield when correctly channeled. But then there’s this immature and overly exaggerated anger that creeps up into my chest and out of my mouth in heightened situations. It can be triggered by just about anything – hardships in parenting, marriage, ministry, work. It’s okay to feel frustrated over things, but not okay for my reactions to be more outlandish and audacious than whatever it is that causes them. I was born feisty. I come by it naturally. But it’s mine and the Spirit’s responsibility to right it and keep it good. Not always easy, but certainly always possible.

2.) I don’t like Pal’s.

Because I LOVE PAL’S. For all you non-Tennesseans, Pal’s Sudden Service is a hip little fast food burger chain that makes me feel really, really happy inside. I come from the land of Whataburger, and while I am still nostalgic and sentimental about its justaburgers and fried apple pies, Pal’s is finding its way to the deepest parts of my burger and french fry and tea loving heart. I have actually had to stop and consider how many times a month (a week?….a day?…) is it acceptable for me to consume this food. I literally have to boss myself around about it because it has been known to get out of control. Also, the service at Pal’s is similar to that of Chick-fil-a in that they are just SO NICE. It makes me want to order everything. Everyday. Always.

3.) My diet is….not the best.

As evidenced by thing #2. When left to my own devices my diet is downright destructive. I have an insane metabolism for some weird reason and I really do have to eat a lot. I’m hungry all the time and I dip into total despair when unfed. Thing #1 can come into play here, as well. (“Hangry”, anyone?) But since I’m a grown up and I want to live a long, blessed life I really am trying to get my act together on this one. I have asparagus in the oven right this minute. I have organic coconut oil in my cabinet. I eat salads. I drink tons of water. I try to avoid gobs of sugar. I workout a lot. I chop fruit and spiral zucchini and shop at the farmer’s market and cook at home and give myself boundaries. But I have to absolutely make myself. God, help me.


I feel better already. Truly. At least these three are out there now and you all can feel free to ask me about them. There really is power in the sharing and asking.

Any truths you need to spout? Any issues you need to bring up and out into daylight? Find a trusted friend. Tell our gracious Savior. Share here. I trust it will break some chains and send you soaring.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Jan Thompson

    Spoken confessions bring warmth and comfort to our soul. Thank you for sharing. I ❤you.

  2. Kate

    Yes! And I love YOUUUU! 🙂

  3. Mimi


  4. Sherrie Duck

    Spoken conversation is Heathy and wise, and y
    Good for the soul

  5. Kate

    So freeing! Thank you for reading, Sherrie! Have a great week!

  6. Kate

    Thanks for reading! 🙂

  7. Lacey A Thompson

    You get the Insane… and the Metabolism from your Daddy! Oh…I’m sorry…I mean Insane Metabolism from your Daddy:)
    Pretty sure the Feisty Anger and “Hangry” are from Mama!
    Definitely get the Wisdom to sort it all out from your MawMaw Jan!!
    Proud of ALL You Are,

  8. Kate

    Mom, you win for the most ridiculous comments. 🙂

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